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User experience strategy

Career Designer.png

That maps the future and aligns the team

Following a year of working on the minimal viable version of Career Designer, with 50% of the team, including myself, being new members, we recognized the need to reassess our understanding of the problem and realign. Therefore, I proposed that we collaborate on capturing our updated and better-informed product vision to communicate effectively to new team members and external stakeholders.

To this end, I facilitated an in-person workshop to gather as many ideas as possible. Subsequently, we analyzed the results in a smaller team and presented them to the larger group. Finally, after several iterations, we produced vision posters that were instrumental in planning the product roadmap, aligning the team, and securing further financing from the company leadership.


Materials from cross-functional workshop

Organizing data.png

Organizing data through affinity clustering

Top ideas.png

Distilling top ideas


Illustrating ideas with mockups


One of the final posters

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